Monday, December 27, 2010


So the First of December didn't start off to well in our Family... Our Austin has been struggling alot the last several weeks with being sick with a Flu.... I feel like every week he was calling and wanting me to check him out of school with stomach issues... honestly I can think back to October with this complaint.... Missy had the flu and we had a scare with her of passing out and so when Austin came up at midnight while me and troy were trying to finish up the decorations and was complaining of Stomach Ache's we both were like well your probley getting the flu your Sister just got over... I didn't think much of it, but made a comment to Troy of my gosh, he is sick alot this year.... Well we stayed up all night thinking he had the flu, and mom being paranoid he would pass out like Missy I could not sleep... the next morning he was to himself and very QUIET... (especially for Austin) I was busy doing my sub for santa and just trying to get things organized, I came up the stairs and noticed he was not looking good at all and told him I would jump in the shower and need to run some errands... As I was getting myself ready he came into the bathroom to warn me he had gotten worse and that he thought he was in trouble??? I was like Trouble?? and he said its MOVED... and I was like MOVED?? and he said the pain and he showed me how it was dropping into the right side.. I immediately think my heart was pounding through my chest knowing we were dealing with APPENDIX... I was shaking and thought what do I do without Troy??? I even said give me a minute to throw my make up on?? Its now the joke...I tried my hardest to get to Utah Valley to where Troy was in Surgery but was not able to make it, by the time I hit the American Fork Temple, he was like Mom, down the hill is where we are going... Sure enough we were right and after a exam, blood and CT it was confirmed he had to go into surgery:( By now my BOY was SICK... High Fever and high on Morphine... We were lucky to have Mitch there to support MOM... and we had Aunt Lisa, Grumpy and Nana all there with emotional support... I was GRATEFUL for a Priesthood Blessing that his Grandpa and Mitch were able to give him before going into surgery! Things didn't go as smooth as we had hoped, he had to stay a few days due to a possible leakage/ruptured appendix, they wanted to run a drain to get some infection out of Austin... We stayed with him around the clock, Mom taking the day shift and Dad doing the night!! And soon we'd be taking our boy home:)

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